Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Mr. Sassman's 4th Grade Class Blog

Weller Elementary School

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are able to see out your windows still with all the new snow...and it is still coming down. Either I or someone from the school should have been in touch with you over the past week to check in and simply say hello. I have been working a lot with the other teachers in our building and district to imagine and design what the next 4-6 weeks are going to look like for schooling so here we go (please keep in mind that this plan may be slightly altered depending on what is working and what is not)...

I would like to host Zoom meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the morning from 8:30 - 10:30 am. I am thinking groups of 8-9 students at a time, for us to check-in and for me to go over some things that I would like for them to be working on. I'm imagining each session going for about 30 minutes. In short, your child would have 3, 30-minute sessions per week total for the first week. We can always adjust from there. Perhaps we can add more, change the times, or something else, but this will be our starting point. Our first session will most likely start Monday, March 30th, and I will let you know what time/session I have your kiddo scheduled for. It would be extremely helpful if you could sit in on the sessions (if you are able), so you have a firm grasp on what we are trying to accomplish. The goals here are to correspond, answer any questions and point you (and your child) in the right direction for curriculum materials, lessons, and project ideas. We will be covering reading, writing, and math primarily. It will be up to you (and your child) to determine how much you want to get done with the materials, sites, and lessons I provide. I have been instructed by the district, that kids are not to receive grades at this time, so please do not feel pressure to meet deadlines or for the work to be perfect. This is meant to be engaging and educational, and not to add more stress to an already precarious situation.

To do all of this, we will have a class web site, we will use Google Classroom, we will use Khan Academy. I have been working on building these tools in collaboration with Mrs. Roth and Mrs. Richardson. The new addresses are going to be:

BLOG (as you know it here has been changed to):
WEB SITE (the old blog address will now the class web site):
*****Please keep in mind when you visit the new web site, that it is still very much a work in progress and there will be ongoing updates throughout the week and after.*****

In the meantime, please tell the kids that I miss them tremendously and I cannot wait to see them, even if it is virtually for now.  Also, please have your kiddos reading (SSR) for 30 minutes a day (minimum), and journaling for 20-30 minutes until I give further instructions next week.

That is it for now...I will be keeping things as simple as I can.  

It's a good life!

Mr. Sassman