Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Mr. Sassman's 6th Grade Class Blog

Woodriver Elementary School

Student-led Parent-teacher Conferences are this Monday and Tuesday. I have posted the schedule here (look below), sent home notices, and even spoken with some parents that have needed to reschedule for other times. Out of respect for other students and parents, please arrive on time for your appointment. In some cases, there are multiple presentations lined up back-to-back, so time is precious. Lastly, please make sure your student is present, the conferences are student-led. If they are unable to make it, let me know and we can easily reschedule.

Monday, February 18, 2019
8:30 AM - Alanna
8:50 AM - Bode
9:10 AM - KyLee
9:30 AM - Madison
9:50 AM - Brenna
10:10 AM - Wallace
10:30 AM to 11:30 AM - Reserved for Math Conferences (parents may pop-in to chat)
1:00 PM - Lucien
1:20 PM - Joey
1:40 PM - Dom
2:00 PM - Chris
2:20 PM - Aiden

Tuesday, February 19, 2019
8:30 AM - Maddy
9:10 AM - Alejandro
9:30 AM - Noah
10:10 AM - Carter
10:50 AM - Charlie
11:10 AM - Will
11:30 AM - Aaliyah
1:00 PM - Izzy
1:20 PM - Jesse
1:40 PM - Walker
2:20 PM - Kaylob
3:20 PM - Nevaeh

This week...
Is a short week, but we have a lot packed into it. To begin and as you may know, all of the sixth-grade students are grouped differently from their homerooms for a portion of the day, three times per week, in “S” Groups. For a variety of reasons, this has been both enjoyable and successful across several subjects. In my class this quarter, we have been diligently learning about Ancient Rome. When I made a couple of suggestions about how we should conclude our unit, the kids enthusiastically voted on a potluck. This time it will be much smaller in size compared with our Family Traditions Feast back in December. Each “S” Group will have their own potluck (I will be hosting three groups on three different days). 

Recipes? I want to recognize that the average Ancient Roman did not have a diverse and exquisite daily cuisine. Italian food we know today has evolved from many influences in the region over thousands of years, however, the kids elected to set the parameters to an “Italian” dish. If you are able, please send your kiddo in with something to share (enough to serve 2-4 people) on the week of February 20 – 22, 2019. They should bring in their dish on their "S" Group day in here - ROME. I had every student fill out a form to bring home last week. They will receive extra credit on their unit-end test if they return it on Wednesday.

The students are excited about this culminating event and are eager to bring something. They may choose to bring a dessert, salad, main dish, or an appetizer. It could be something from the store or even a recipe with some deep cultural connections (family recipe perhaps J). 

On Friday, February 22, 2019, the sixth-grade team is taking our kids to the movies! This is a "Rewards" field trip and the teachers' will be paying for the kids' movie passes. We ask that you send in $5.00 with your child for transportation. Kids may also purchase concessions on their own. We will be leaving Woodriver at 11:45AM and return at 2:45 PM. Any students with an "F" in a subject as of Friday the 22nd, or have more than one recent Discipline Referral (DR) on file will not be able to participate in the field trip. Those students will stay back at school with Mr. Ribbens to catch up on missing or late assignments. I sent home a letter last week about this and so far I have one chaperone signed up. I am looking for one more, please. Your ticket will also be paid for.

Mr. Kinder and I have been busy scheduling multiple field trips for the fourth quarter. Those will be published soon. Many of the excursions are academic, and some are just plain old "fun." The grade and discipline policy will remain in place for any "fun" field trips. Academic field trips will not be restricted. I have also added a trip to the UAF Museum on March 6th, 2019 in the morning. I could use two chaperones, please. The entry to the museum and guided lessons will be paid for through school funds. I will also ask for $5.00 for bus transportation on this one.

As far as fundraising...I will introduce our spring classroom fundraiser during conferences this week and then again to the kids on Wednesday. I will be asking the kids to participate in a classroom Read-a-Thon. It is a simple, effective, and positive way to keep kids reading over spring break while raising funds for our fourth quarter outings. If we meet our goals (which is modest), we will use those funds for transportation, and I can stop bothering you for $5.00 at a time :). If we do not reach our goals, the funds that we do raise will lessen the expenses regardless. I will also post more on this in future blog posts, as this one is already long!

Q3 TDLs via Google Sheets are published. I gave them to the kids this week and here it is for your viewing pleasure! I will also have copies for you at your conference.

The Big Wave is our next class novel. It is a short read, but worthy and will conclude with a great art project. Literacy Circles will conclude on Wednesday. One of our classmates has made it to the District Spelling Bee, tying for first place during the competition last week! Way to go Joey!

Lastly, for now. Mr. Ribbens' full-time student-teaching starts on Monday, February 25, 2019, and will go for three weeks. This is a major requirement in the UAF Teacher-Preparation Program and I know he will do well. He has been working diligently planning some great lessons. Our regular classroom routines will not change. I will, of course, be here should the need arise. 

Wednesday looks like:
9:00 - 9:20
10-Minute writing prompt: Describe your dream tree house...aaaaand go.
Class Meeting
9:20 - 10:30
Walk to Math
10:30 - 10:40
Break - Snack and Read Aloud - Counting by 7s
10:40 - 12:00
"S" Groups Potluck
12:00 - 12:30
12:30 - 1:00
1:00 - 1:40
Class Novel - The Big Wave
1:40 - 2:15
2:15 - 3:30
Writer's Workshop

Thursday, February 21, 2019
--Practice 10-3
Friday, February 22, 2019
--Practice 10-4

Please regularly check your child’s grades in PowerSchool and update the Web and Technology Use forms. I would appreciate it if you gave permission for your child’s picture to be published on the class blog. The forms are located under the Registration section. Please refer to this link for details:  

DATES TO REMEMBER (more to come)!
Monday and Tuesday, February 18-19, 2019
Student-led Parent-Teacher Conferences

Friday, February 22, 2019
Field Trip - Regal Cinemas
"How To Train Your Dragon 3"
11:30AM - 2:30 PM
Please send in $5 with your kiddo for bus transportation. The teachers will pay for the movie ticket. Concessions can be purchased individually. One chaperone needed, please.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Field Trip to UAF Museum
9:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Please send in $5 with your kiddo for bus transportation. Two chaperones needed, please.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Field Trip to Ryan Middle School for 7th grade tour.
9:45 - 11:00

"It's a good life."
--Mr. Sassman