Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018

Mr. Sassman's 4th Grade Class Blog

23 Days till' we depart for Twin Bears!

Yup...that is this week!

Good morning! As you know, we have a lot of testing this week...again, ugggg. Today, our PEAKS (Performance Evaluation for Alaska Students) English/Language Arts. Tomorrow will be Math, and Friday will be Science (Fourth Grade only). Speech contest finals will also be on Friday in the afternoon.

It was great getting to know Ms. Kendall last week. She will join us for this week as well, hosting a few guest lessons on Wednesday and Thursday...Should be great!

No spelling or homework this week...testing and all, but kids will be working on their To Do Lists in school and may need some supplemental support at home. Hoagies were epic, followed by student choice free time for an hour.

The nurse wanted us to mention to parents: please send your child in with a change of clothing in his or her backpack (socks too) during the spring time. It gets wet out on the playground and she is running out of "extras," especially intermediate sizes. Thanks.

TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 2018 from 5:30 - 6:30, we will have a Twin Bears Volunteer Meeting. This will be our last meeting before our big trip. If you are planning to volunteer, please, please, please try and make this meeting. Friendly reminder: please get cleared by the District's background check system if you have not yet.
Speaking of volunteers: This Wednesday, at 3:30, in the Library, you are invited to be honored for all the amazing help you give our school. Come join us (the staff) for a special reception in your honor. Everyone who has volunteered (or will at Twin Bears), is welcome. We just want to say thank you and feed you some delicious treats!

***REMINDER: Please keep saving your "Clean recycling/trash" for us to bring and use at Twin Bears. Also, could send your kiddo in with a clean white t-shirt sometime in the next few weeks (before Twin Bears)? Mrs. Hammer and I decided we are going to do Indigo Dying with the kids at thanks.  

***Please note if this applies to your kiddo: After school Book Club is now on Tuesdays...Thanks

Monday looks like:
9:00- 9:10
New Jobs
Class Meeting
PEAKS Testing
12:10 - 12:40
12:40 - 1:55
Math Block
2:00 - 3:25

With a little over six weeks left of school, and about five weeks left of academic campaigns, I have made our final TDL (To Do List). Assignments are due on or before May 8, 2018. We have field trips and other agenda items the last week of school (May 9 - May 16).


MATH HOMEWORK DUE THIS WEEK (only if your child is in my math class)
We have finished our curriculum-based workbook for the year. No math homework this week. We have started our new workbooks and I will send them home with the kids at the end of the school year for them to use and practice with over the summer. 

***Please note that Math, Specials, Lunch, and Recess are Intermediate schedules and stay in blocks. At times, curriculum, instruction, and homework may be adjusted to accommodate different initiatives.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to call or email me anytime to discuss things further. I hope you find this information helpful and useful.


Monday, April 16, 2018
PEAKS (Performance Evaluation for AK Students) - ELA

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
PEAKS (Performance Evaluation for AK Students) - MATH

Friday, April 20, 2018
PEAKS (Performance Evaluation for AK Students) - SCIENCE (fourth graders only)

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Field Trip to Morris Thompson Cultural Center (AM)/Mock Trial at the Courthouse Downtown (PM)
9:15 AM - 2:30 PM

Wednesday, May 9 - Friday, May 11, 2018 (3-days)
--Twin Bears/Angel Rocks Hiking/Camping Trip

Monday, May 14, 2018
--Birch Hill (Hiking and Picnic/Games) 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018 (early out day 2 PM)
--Bowling at Arctic Bowl and hike to Pioneer Park for picnic and play

Wednesday, May 16, 2018 (early our day 2 PM)
--Classroom/Desks/Lockers clean out

Thursday, May 17, 2018 (also early out day 2 PM)
--Last day of school, Field Day, School Picnic

It's a good life!

--Mr. Sassman