Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Mr. Sassman's 4th Grade Class Blog

We are currently in the thick of our fourth grade academic campaign and the kids are busily moving along...I am really proud of their hard work and commitment to learning/school. Literacy circles went great last week and every student was able to participate!!! Thanks for sending in those packets and reading with your kiddo/making sure they are reading.

Monday morning - tomorrow - we have a field trip to see "La Santa Cecilia." Please send in $7 with your student if you have not yet. Thank you to those who have already.

About two weeks till our State Reports Gallery Walk and Potluck! I will be sending home a flyer this week with the kids. Please take a look and respond. Thanks-a-bunch.

We have been scheduled for our next round of testing: December 6 and 7, 2017 for the winter MAP screenings will take place in our room. Please let me know if you are planning to be away.

My girls...hope you had a nice weekend with your family!

Second quarter agenda:
  • Fictional Narrative (Q2 formal writing assignment)
  • Cursive letters E-J
  • Spelling
  • STEM Kits
  • Newton's Laws of Motion
  • States of Matter
  • Winter Haikus
  • Current Events
  • 50 States Map and Capitals
  • Cultures and Migration with Mrs. Coffeen
  • State Reports
  • Class Read (Charlotte's Web)
  • Literacy Circles (Second Quarter Book Report)
Monday looks like:
9:00 - 9:15
Quick Meeting
9:15 - 11:30
Field Trip to Herring Auditorium at Lathrop HS
"La Santa Cecilia"
11:40 - 12:10
12:10 - 12:40
12:40 - 1:55
MATH BLOCK - Topic 9-1/9-2
1:55 - 3:30
Finish - Where the Red Fern Grows

Fictional Narratives Rough Draft - Start Typing
Here is our To Do List - Q2
(IC) In-class Assignment
(HW) Homework

Due Friday
--Literacy Circles Entry 3 - Due Friday, November 17, 2017 (Please have you kiddos bring their packet, even if they have not completed the work) I need to see where they are at, and so they can participate with their group.
--Spelling Lesson 8
Spelling this week again...after we will take
a two week spelling packet break...

MATH HOMEWORK DUE THIS WEEK (only if your child is in my math class)
Due On
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
--Practice 9-1
Thursday, November 15, 2017
--Practice 9-2
Thursday, November 16, 2017
--Practice 9-3
Friday, November 17, 2017
--Practice 9-4

***Please note that Math, Specials, Lunch, and Recess are Intermediate schedules and stay in blocks. At times, curriculum, instruction, and homework may be adjusted to accommodate different initiatives.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to call or email me anytime to discuss things further. I hope you find this information helpful and useful.

Reading logs are a regular part of our class. Students will receive "points" for for each day that they read a minimum of 20 minutes at home. The purpose: for students to read each day (not 100 minutes over the weekend or 40 minutes on Tuesday to catch up for Monday).
The logs will be due on a rolling basis and should have dates read on them. I will give credit as they are turned in and filled out correctly (please initial these). The points students receive will be added to their overall reading grade, counting towards their final grade.
It is simple, if students read and turn in their logs, they will see their grade improve significantly while naturally benefiting in fluency and accuracy. If they do not, they will not be given a "0" on the assignment, they simply will not receive any points.
Please look for these to come home this week. I have a yellow folder by the classroom front door filled with new reading logs. Email me with any questions or concerns please.

GOOGLE DRIVE - I will be sending the kiddos home with their specific login information soon
You can access all of your student's digital assignments online and work at home if you would like. Just go to and type in their email address and password. Then find the Google Menu (where you will find the Drive, Docs, and Slides) icon in the top right corner (it is a nine square grid next to their s-number). This is where they will make their Google Slides Presentation for their Biography Book Reports. It is as follows:

Username: (for example:
Password: s#g (for example: s123456g)


Monday, November 13, 2017
Field Trip to Herring Auditorium - "La Santa Cecilia" - Check em' out on the link. Please send in $7 with your kiddo for the show and transportation...I have three spots open for parent chaperones if you would like to join - first come, first serve :)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
States Report Pot Luck - Date is set...

Thursday, November 30, 2017
Field Trip to the Alaska Room at Anne Wien (9:10 to 12:30)

It's a good life!

Mr. Sassman