Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mr. Sassman's 4th Grade Class Blog

Dear Parents,

First and foremost...I want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU a few more times. Without your help and support, this year could not have been as successful. Your efforts and involvement at home and in school truly made a difference for the students and myself. I realize that I am so fortunate to teach at a school with such great families and colleagues.

The last week of school, we had a few more adventures and it was packed with outdoor activities. As I was in and out of the classroom, I noticed each time I returned, that there was a new card, note, or "little something" on my desk. After all the kids were gone and I finally had a chance to sit down, I read many kind words that filled me with joy and happiness. Thank you so much... and also, for the useful and generous gifts. I loved the snacks, candy, gift cards, and little gadgets for next year's Twin Bears Class trip :)

I hope you enjoy the summer with your kiddos and I will see you in the fall...stop by and say hi at the Ice Cream Social!!!

Dear Students,

You have all grown so much and so quickly this year. You have achieved great things academically and it has been due to your efforts and commitments to school. I am so proud of you and all your hard work. I care for each and every one of you, and you are all very special to me. You are the reason I love coming to work everyday and my passion for teaching. I want to wish you the best moving forward, and please remember that you always have a friendly and welcoming place in our classroom. 

Have a great summer and don't forget to read a few books to keep that momentum going! See you in the fall at the Ice Cream Social!!!

It's a good life!

Mr. Sassman