Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Mr. Sassman's 4th Grade Class Blog

Weller Elementary School

Mrs. Young starts her full-time student-teaching this week!

But really...

I am confident that she will do an excellent job with y(our) kiddos! She has been with
us all year and knows our classroom very well. She also has some awesome
lessons planned.

Last week...
Whew! Thank you so much for attending our Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences. I thought that they went great and we have some real momentum going into the end of the third quarter/beginning of the fourth. This is always one of my favorite times of the school year. Note: If you were away or missed your appointment, let's set a time to catch up.

The results are in and they were almost unanimous. Our Marble Jar Classroom Reward is: Ice Skating at The Big Dipper again! I will get to planning and send out some info soon.

Even though it was a short week with the kids, we had a jammin' time. Finally, Sir Isaac Newton's Law of Motion made it to our class. I have posted several collages and even some slow-motion videos of the "Exploding Canisters!" Did someone say yoga? Well, we have been practicing our poses during our mid-afternoon brain breaks. Again, pics below. Lastly...How bout' them pancakes?

Check out the videos below. They are in slow-motion, so you may have to skip to the end...if you don't want to wait :)

This Week... 
As part of her student-teaching internship, Mrs. Young is required to "Take over the class" for a few weeks and that starts tomorrow. She has been with us all year and has done a great job, so I am confident that it will be a smooth transition. This is a State and University requirement for all prospective teachers. She will also be responsible for publishing the blog. Please keep in mind, that I will still be in the building, should the need arise, and guide her through the process but I am supposed to be as "Hands-off" as possible to give her the most effective experience possible. She will be your primary point of contact for issues and academics, but of course, CC my email on all matters, please. With that is Mrs. Young!

Well folks, Mr. Sassman is a wizard at teaching kids to love school and that is a wonderful starting spot for a teacher to come into the class--

I am looking forward to a great week full of science mysteries, amazing stories, writing projects, creative games for learning, leap year math, and more. We will start learning about plants in Alaska, their parts, how they survive in the Arctic, and how plants have helped people here. We will continue reading The Phantom Tollbooth an imaginative book for read-aloud, and will begin Number the Stars, a realistic, World War II story as a-whole class novel. Finally, we will include some nutrition and exercise activities to keep kids healthy and moving. Research has shown that what kids eat and how much they exercise affects their concentration, helps them remember what they learn, and allows them to make connections . . . 

On your radar...
As you know from conferences, our Twin Bears/Angel Rocks Parent Informational Meeting is coming up tomorrow, Monday, February 24th from 5-6 PM. Hope to see you there. 

The Science Fair projects are due Tuesday, February 25, 2020. Judging is the following day, and school-wide viewing is Thursday the 27th. Parent viewing is Wednesday the 26th from 3-7 PM. 

Monday looks like:
8:30 - 8:50
Writing Prompt
Morning Meeting
8:50 - 9:20
9:20 - 9:50
9:50 - 11:30
Snack/Read Aloud - The Phantom Tollbooth
TDL--Persuasive Essays/Current Events
Parts of a Paragraph
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
12:35 - 1:50
Math Block
1:55 - 2:10
Brain Break/Aces Wild
2:10 - 3:00
Current Event Presentations
Clean up, pack up, stack up, mailboxes

*Please note that math, specials (PE, music, and library), lunch, and recess are part of a fixed schedule and stay in blocks. At times, curriculum instruction will be shuffled to accommodate different initiatives.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to call or email me anytime to discuss things further. I hope you find this information helpful and useful.

Some students have elected to present earlier than what this calendar shows...

Lantern poems
First paragraph of persuasive essay
Plant sketches (in science notebook)

--Reading Logs (ongoing)
--If your child needs additional time or help with in-class assignments, please let me know. I will be doing weekly check-ins with the kids on their progress and I may be in contact with you if we need to send some work home.

11-3 Reteach
11-3 Practice
11-4 Practice
11-5 Reteach

***A brief note about homework. It is my philosophy that homework is an opportunity for students to practice skills that they have learned in school that day/week. The benefits are proven and tremendous. I try to keep things simple: 20 minutes of reading practice (reading logs), 20 minutes of math practice (worksheet), and 5-10 minutes of spelling (1 page per night). If your student is working on homework for more than an hour each night (Monday - Thursday, none on the weekends), please contact me so we can discuss things further. It is not my intention to make life impossible for you at home.

***Please keep in mind, projects, or tests we have in class may have to be brought home to be finished or to study. Please ask your child if they have completed their work and check PowerSchool regularly.

Reading logs are a regular part of our class. Students will receive "points" for each day that they read a minimum of 20 minutes at home. The purpose: for students to read each day (not 100 minutes over the weekend or 40 minutes on Tuesday to catch up for Monday).

Reading logs will be due on a rolling basis and should have dates read on them. I will give credit as they are turned in and filled out correctly (please initial these). The points students receive will be added to their overall reading grade, counting towards their final grade.

It is simple, if students read and turn in their logs, they will see their grades improve significantly while naturally benefitting in fluency and accuracy. If they do not, they will not be given a "0" on the assignment, they simply will not receive any points.

I have a yellow folder by the classroom front door filled with new reading logs. Email me with any questions or concerns, please.

You can access all of your student's digital assignments online and work at home if you would like. Simply go to and type in their email address and password. Then find the Google Menu (where you will find the Drive, Docs, and Slides) icon in the top right corner (it is a nine-square grid next to their s-number). This is where they will make their Google Slides Presentation for their Biography Book Reports. All passwords have been reset and synched to their individual defaults for the start of the school year. Please do not make any changes. It is as follows:

Password: s#g

User Name for example:
User Pswd  for example: s123456g                                            

New Date is now Monday, February 24, 2020 - sorry for the change but it was necessary.
--Twin Bears/Angel Rocks Educational Excursion and Camping Trip, "Parent/Guardian Information Night." It will be from 5-6 PM in room 22 (next to ours), with some time built in for questions. I will have a lot of information for you, and we will need all hands on deck for the trip. This meeting will be the first of two. The second meeting will be in March and it will be for volunteers that have signed up and been cleared through the district. Your help and these meetings are critical to our success. Thanks so much!

Friday, March 6, 2020
--End of Q3. Early dismissal at 1:30 PM.

Monday, March 9, 2020, to Friday, March 13, 2020
--Spring Break - No School

Friday, March 20, 2020
--Field Trip to Herring Auditorium at Lathrop HS to see "Eileen Ivers." More details to follow.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - Friday, May 15, 2020
--Angel Rocks Hike and Twin Bears Educational Excursion. We will have several meetings throughout the year about this as it is a 3-day overnight camping trip, and yes we will need volunteers!

Friday, May 15, 2020, to Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Early dismissal at 1:30 PM and final three days of the school year.

It's a good life!

Mr. Sassman

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Mr. Sassman's 4th Grade Class Blog

Weller Elementary School

Thanks for coming out to PTC Conferences this week.
It has been a pleasure and we hope you have enjoyed them as much as we have. 

Last week...
It was a productive one, to say the least. We finished up all of our PTC preparations and Mrs. Young and I were blown away with what the kids came up with. I think you were too! We also completed our Space Art Projects, and they are "Out of this world," just sayin'. We wrapped up two class read alouds, Gooseberry Park, and Huckleberry Finn. To conclude the joyous events, the school had a Reading Parade and assembly to celebrate our accomplishments. As if that weren't enough, the Spelling Bee was Friday and we had two student representatives. Way to go Oscar and Eve! Lastly, our Valentine's celebration was a success. Thank you for your support. 

Way to go Eve!

Way to go Oscar!

Reading Parade!

This Week... 
Is a short one again, but we will be making some explosions in class! Don't worry we will try to have them home in one piece. But really, Newton's Laws of Motion. More Current Events Presentations are due, kids yoga, and of course math and TDL work. We have Persuasive Essays to finish, so we can start our Superhero Stories soon! We will also be voting on a classroom reward - yes, the kids filled the marble jar again. Oh, and, Pancake Breakfast is Friday morn. 

On your radar...
As you know from conferences, our Twin Bears/Angel Rocks Parent Informational Meeting is coming up on Monday, February 24th from 5-6 PM. Hope to see you there. 

The Science Fair projects are due Tuesday, February 25, 2020. Judging is the following day, and school-wide viewing is Thursday the 27th. Parent viewing is Wednesday the 26th from 3-7 PM. 

As part of her student-teaching internship, Mrs. Young is required to "Take over the class" for a few weeks and that is coming up at the end of February and the beginning of March. She has been with us all year and has done a great job, so I am confident that it will be a smooth transition. This is a State and University requirement for all prospective teachers. She will also be responsible for publishing the blog. Please keep in mind, that I will still be in the building, should the need arise, and guide her through the process but I am supposed to be as "Hands-off" as possible to give her the most effective experience possible. She will be your primary point of contact for issues and academics, but of course, CC my email on all matters, please.   

Thursday looks like:
8:30 - 9:20
Writing Prompt/Cursive Handbooks
Morning Meeting
New Jobs
New Seats - Get to know your new neighbor
9:20 - 9:50
9:50 - 11:30
Snack/Read Aloud - The Phantom Tollbooth
Current Events Presentations
Newton's Laws of Motion - Intro
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
12:35 - 1:50
Math Block
1:55 - 2:10
2:10 - 3:00
Newton continued
Clean up, pack up, stack up, mailboxes

*Please note that math, specials (PE, music, and library), lunch, and recess are part of a fixed schedule and stay in blocks. At times, curriculum instruction will be shuffled to accommodate different initiatives.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to call or email me anytime to discuss things further. I hope you find this information helpful and useful.

Short week...

--Reading Logs (ongoing)
--If your child needs additional time or help with in-class assignments, please let me know. I will be doing weekly check-ins with the kids on their progress and I may be in contact with you if we need to send some work home.

Short Week...

***A brief note about homework. It is my philosophy that homework is an opportunity for students to practice skills that they have learned in school that day/week. The benefits are proven and tremendous. I try to keep things simple: 20 minutes of reading practice (reading logs), 20 minutes of math practice (worksheet), and 5-10 minutes of spelling (1 page per night). If your student is working on homework for more than an hour each night (Monday - Thursday, none on the weekends), please contact me so we can discuss things further. It is not my intention to make life impossible for you at home.

***Please keep in mind, projects, or tests we have in class may have to be brought home to be finished or to study. Please ask your child if they have completed their work and check PowerSchool regularly.

Reading logs are a regular part of our class. Students will receive "points" for each day that they read a minimum of 20 minutes at home. The purpose: for students to read each day (not 100 minutes over the weekend or 40 minutes on Tuesday to catch up for Monday).

Reading logs will be due on a rolling basis and should have dates read on them. I will give credit as they are turned in and filled out correctly (please initial these). The points students receive will be added to their overall reading grade, counting towards their final grade.

It is simple, if students read and turn in their logs, they will see their grades improve significantly while naturally benefitting in fluency and accuracy. If they do not, they will not be given a "0" on the assignment, they simply will not receive any points.

I have a yellow folder by the classroom front door filled with new reading logs. Email me with any questions or concerns, please.

You can access all of your student's digital assignments online and work at home if you would like. Simply go to and type in their email address and password. Then find the Google Menu (where you will find the Drive, Docs, and Slides) icon in the top right corner (it is a nine-square grid next to their s-number). This is where they will make their Google Slides Presentation for their Biography Book Reports. All passwords have been reset and synched to their individual defaults for the start of the school year. Please do not make any changes. It is as follows:

Password: s#g

User Name for example:
User Pswd  for example: s123456g                                            

New Date is now Monday, February 24, 2020 - sorry for the change but it was necessary. I hope this is enough notice.
--Twin Bears/Angel Rocks Educational Excursion and Camping Trip, "Parent/Guardian Information Night." It will be from 5-6 PM in room 22 (next to ours), with some time built in for questions. I will have a lot of information for you, and we will need all hands on deck for the trip. This meeting will be the first of two. The second meeting will be in March and it will be for volunteers that have signed up and been cleared through the district. Your help and these meetings are critical to our success. Thanks so much!

Tuesday and Wednesday, February 18 and 19, 2020
--Student-led Parent-Teacher Conferences (Please make sure your child is present for this).

Friday, March 6, 2020
--End of Q3. Early dismissal at 1:30 PM.

Monday, March 9, 2020, to Friday, March 13, 2020
--Spring Break - No School

Friday, March 20, 2020
--Field Trip to Herring Auditorium at Lathrop HS to see "Eileen Ivers." More details to follow.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - Friday, May 15, 2020
--Angel Rocks Hike and Twin Bears Educational Excursion. We will have several meetings throughout the year about this as it is a 3-day overnight camping trip, and yes we will need volunteers!

Friday, May 15, 2020, to Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Early dismissal at 1:30 PM and final three days of the school year.

It's a good life!

Mr. Sassman

Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020

Mr. Sassman's 4th Grade Class Blog

Weller Elementary School

Last week...
Was productive and we are well on our way with our Parent-Teacher Conference Self-Reflections. We spent the week brainstorming all of the activities and lessons that we have accomplished and wow! Below is a screenshot of our board from last Monday. I am so proud of this group of kids, and the best part is...we still have about 15 weeks of learning to do before the end of the year. We have almost finished with our Space Art Project (with the heatwave an all).

This Week... 
This is most likely the last day before the weather takes another turn for the cold, so we will finish up the remaining eight students (Space Art) today. While I am pulling kids for that, Mrs. Young will be able to keep the class busy working on PTC Prep, Persuasive Essays, and Current Events. Speaking of Current Events, presentations will continue this week. I have posted the schedule of the presenters below. Finally, we will end our week with flight...we will learn about lift, gravity, drag, and thrust while we make some cool paper airplanes!

On your radar...
One school-week until Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences and sign-ups are now open. Same as last semester, log onto your PowerSchool Parent account and sign up through the portal. I sent out an instructional guide with screenshots last week. This round is "Student-Led" so please make sure your child is here for it. I can't tell you how important this is for them and their development, and I know you will love it. Also and again, please make sure that you are on time for your appointment as there are multiple sessions back-to-back. Here is the link to PS - Power School Parent Login

The kids have asked if we can have a Valentine's Day Party. I typically have not had parties on V-Day but told them, that at the end of the day on Friday the 14th, the kids will be allowed to exchange cards and/or treats. We will use the last 30 minutes before dismissal. I only have one request: If you bring for one, bring for all. There are 26 kiddos in the class and I can send the kids home with a list of (first names only) to ensure correct spelling and that no one is left out. Please and thank you!

Science Fair and Spelling Bee are this month...2 days to sign up for the SF and we will have a class SB to determine three students to send to the annual competition.

As part of her student-teaching internship, Mrs. Young is required to "Take over the class" for a few weeks and that is coming up at the end of February and the beginning of March. She has been with us all year and has done a great job, so I am confident that it will be a smooth transition. This is a State and University requirement for all prospective teachers. She will also be responsible for publishing the blog. Please keep in mind, that I will still be in the building, should the need arise, and guide her through the process but I am supposed to be as "Hands-off" as possible to give her the most effective experience possible. She will be your primary point of contact for issues and academics, but of course, CC my email on all matters, please.   

The third-quarter looks like:
Space Art
Rock Cycle
Pacific Rim
Spelling Packets
DOL - Paragraph Development and Figurative Language
Current Events Google Slides Presentations***(Project)***
Persuasive Essay Writing***(Project)***
Folk Tale Triramas
Exploding Canisters
Paper Airplanes (Possibly Q4)
Rockets (Possibly Q4 at UAF)
Newton's Laws of Motion
Read-a-Thon Class Fundraiser
Student-led Parent-teacher Conference Prep

Monday looks like:
8:30 - 8:50
Writing Prompt
Morning Announcements
New Jobs
Student of the Week - Jaden
8:50 - 9:20
9:20 - 9:50
9:50 - 11:30
Snack/Read Aloud - The Adventures of Huck Finn and Gooseberry Park
Space Art
DOL - Personification
Current Events - Work Session/Presentations
Student-led Parent-teacher Conference Prep
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
12:35 - 1:50
Math Block
1:55 - 2:10
SSR/Free Write to Music
2:10 - 3:00
Yoga! WHAT???
Clean up, pack up, stack up, mailboxes

*Please note that math, specials (PE, music, and library), lunch, and recess are part of a fixed schedule and stay in blocks. At times, curriculum instruction will be shuffled to accommodate different initiatives.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to call or email me anytime to discuss things further. I hope you find this information helpful and useful.

--I have posted the due dates for the Current Events Projects above.
--Student-led Parent-teacher Conference Self-Reflections 

--Reading Logs (ongoing)
--If your child needs additional time or help with in-class assignments, please let me know. I will be doing weekly check-ins with the kids on their progress and I may be in contact with you if we need to send some work home.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Friday, February 14, 2020

***A brief note about homework. It is my philosophy that homework is an opportunity for students to practice skills that they have learned in school that day/week. The benefits are proven and tremendous. I try to keep things simple: 20 minutes of reading practice (reading logs), 20 minutes of math practice (worksheet), and 5-10 minutes of spelling (1 page per night). If your student is working on homework for more than an hour each night (Monday - Thursday, none on the weekends), please contact me so we can discuss things further. It is not my intention to make life impossible for you at home.

***Please keep in mind, projects, or tests we have in class may have to be brought home to be finished or to study. Please ask your child if they have completed their work and check PowerSchool regularly.

Reading logs are a regular part of our class. Students will receive "points" for each day that they read a minimum of 20 minutes at home. The purpose: for students to read each day (not 100 minutes over the weekend or 40 minutes on Tuesday to catch up for Monday).

Reading logs will be due on a rolling basis and should have dates read on them. I will give credit as they are turned in and filled out correctly (please initial these). The points students receive will be added to their overall reading grade, counting towards their final grade.

It is simple, if students read and turn in their logs, they will see their grades improve significantly while naturally benefitting in fluency and accuracy. If they do not, they will not be given a "0" on the assignment, they simply will not receive any points.

I have a yellow folder by the classroom front door filled with new reading logs. Email me with any questions or concerns, please.

You can access all of your student's digital assignments online and work at home if you would like. Simply go to and type in their email address and password. Then find the Google Menu (where you will find the Drive, Docs, and Slides) icon in the top right corner (it is a nine-square grid next to their s-number). This is where they will make their Google Slides Presentation for their Biography Book Reports. All passwords have been reset and synched to their individual defaults for the start of the school year. Please do not make any changes. It is as follows:

Password: s#g

User Name for example:
User Pswd  for example: s123456g                                            

New Date is now Monday, February 24, 2020 - sorry for the change but it was necessary. I hope this is enough notice.
--Twin Bears/Angel Rocks Educational Excursion and Camping Trip, "Parent/Guardian Information Night." It will be from 5-6 PM in room 22 (next to ours), with some time built in for questions. I will have a lot of information for you, and we will need all hands on deck for the trip. This meeting will be the first of two. The second meeting will be in March and it will be for volunteers that have signed up and been cleared through the district. Your help and these meetings are critical to our success. Thanks so much!

Monday, February 17, 2020
--Professional Development Teacher Work Day (No School).

Tuesday and Wednesday, February 18 and 19, 2020
--Student-led Parent-Teacher Conferences (Please make sure your child is present for this).

Friday, March 6, 2020
--End of Q3. Early dismissal at 1:30 PM.

Monday, March 9, 2020, to Friday, March 13, 2020
--Spring Break - No School

Friday, March 20, 2020
--Field Trip to Herring Auditorium at Lathrop HS to see "Eileen Ivers." More details to follow.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - Friday, May 15, 2020
--Angel Rocks Hike and Twin Bears Educational Excursion. We will have several meetings throughout the year about this as it is a 3-day overnight camping trip, and yes we will need volunteers!

Friday, May 15, 2020, to Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Early dismissal at 1:30 PM and final three days of the school year.

It's a good life!

Mr. Sassman

Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020

Mr. Sassman's 4th Grade Class Blog

Weller Elementary School

Should be a warm-up this week...hopefully, we can finally, get to that space art project!

Maybe you caught that game yesterday? Groundhog Day was also last weekend - FYI!

Last week...
"Bach to the Future" was a great ending to a busy week. Spelling packets went home, DOL featured alliteration and personification, and Persuasive Essays are coming along. We finished My Side of the Mountain and the overall consensus was: "Great book!" There is a sequel that is part of a trilogy, and perhaps we will explore The Far Side of the Mountain? Mrs. Young had the students make Lantern Poetry and the kids delivered some great pieces. For math: We have made it through Long Division and worked a bit on Factors and Multiples. This week we will continue with that campaign, while introducing fractions - Here we go again!

This Week... 
Will be simple but imperative. Student-led Parent-Teacher self-reflections and assessments will be the focus, while Current Events Presentations begin. I have posted the schedule of the presenters below. It seems to be warming up for the week, so we may try for some Space Art. 

On your radar...
Two full school-weeks until Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences and sign-ups open this Wednesday, February 5th, 2020. Same as last semester, log onto your PowerSchool Parent account and sign up through the portal. I will post another instructional guide of screenshots in the next few days if needed. This round is "Student-Led" so please make sure your child is here for it. I can't tell you how important this is for them and their development, and I know you will love it. Also and again, please make sure that you are on time for your appointment as there are multiple sessions back-to-back. Here is the link to PS - Power School Parent Login

The kids have asked if we can have a Valentine's Day Party. I typically have not had parties on V-Day but told them, that at the end of the day on Friday the 14th, the kids will be allowed to exchange cards and/or treats. We will use the last 30 minutes before dismissal. I only have one request: If you bring for one, bring for all. There are 26 kiddos in the class and I can send the kids home with a list of (first names only) to ensure correct spelling and that no one is left out. Please and thank you!

Science Fair and Spelling Bee are this month...9 days to sign up for the SF and we will have a class SB to determine three students to send to the annual competition.

As part of her student-teaching internship, Mrs. Young is required to "Take over the class" for a few weeks and that is coming up at the end of February and the beginning of March. She has been with us all year and has done a great job, so I am confident that it will be a smooth transition. This is a State and University requirement for all prospective teachers. She will also be responsible for publishing the blog. Please keep in mind, that I will still be in the building, should the need arise, and guide her through the process but I am supposed to be as "Hands-off" as possible to give her the most effective experience possible. She will be your primary point of contact for issues and academics, but of course, CC my email on all matters, please.   

The third-quarter looks like:
Space Art
Rock Cycle
Pacific Rim
Spelling Packets
DOL - Paragraph Development and Figurative Language
Current Events Google Slides Presentations***(Project)***
Persuasive Essay Writing***(Project)***
Folk Tale Triramas
Exploding Canisters
Paper Airplanes (Possibly Q4)
Rockets (Possibly Q4 at UAF)
Newton's Laws of Motion
Read-a-Thon Class Fundraiser
Student-led Parent-teacher Conference Prep

Monday looks like:
8:30 - 8:50
Writing Prompt
Morning Announcements
New Jobs
8:50 - 9:20
9:20 - 9:50
9:50 - 11:30
Snack/Read Aloud - The Adventures of Huck Finn
New Seats - Meet your new neighbor and share out
DOL - Personification
Current Events - Work Session
Student-led Parent-teacher Conference Prep
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
12:35 - 1:50
Math Block
1:55 - 2:10
2:10 - 3:00
My Side of the Mountain Final Quiz
Clean up, pack up, stack up, mailboxes

*Please note that math, specials (PE, music, and library), lunch, and recess are part of a fixed schedule and stay in blocks. At times, curriculum instruction will be shuffled to accommodate different initiatives.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to call or email me anytime to discuss things further. I hope you find this information helpful and useful.

--I have posted the due dates for the Current Events Projects above.
--Student-led Parent-teacher Conference Prep Drafts

--Reading Logs (ongoing)
--If your child needs additional time or help with in-class assignments, please let me know. I will be doing weekly check-ins with the kids on their progress and I may be in contact with you if we need to send some work home.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Friday, February 7, 2020

***A brief note about homework. It is my philosophy that homework is an opportunity for students to practice skills that they have learned in school that day/week. The benefits are proven and tremendous. I try to keep things simple: 20 minutes of reading practice (reading logs), 20 minutes of math practice (worksheet), and 5-10 minutes of spelling (1 page per night). If your student is working on homework for more than an hour each night (Monday - Thursday, none on the weekends), please contact me so we can discuss things further. It is not my intention to make life impossible for you at home.

***Please keep in mind, projects, or tests we have in class may have to be brought home to be finished or to study. Please ask your child if they have completed their work and check PowerSchool regularly.

Reading logs are a regular part of our class. Students will receive "points" for each day that they read a minimum of 20 minutes at home. The purpose: for students to read each day (not 100 minutes over the weekend or 40 minutes on Tuesday to catch up for Monday).

Reading logs will be due on a rolling basis and should have dates read on them. I will give credit as they are turned in and filled out correctly (please initial these). The points students receive will be added to their overall reading grade, counting towards their final grade.

It is simple, if students read and turn in their logs, they will see their grades improve significantly while naturally benefitting in fluency and accuracy. If they do not, they will not be given a "0" on the assignment, they simply will not receive any points.

I have a yellow folder by the classroom front door filled with new reading logs. Email me with any questions or concerns, please.

You can access all of your student's digital assignments online and work at home if you would like. Simply go to and type in their email address and password. Then find the Google Menu (where you will find the Drive, Docs, and Slides) icon in the top right corner (it is a nine-square grid next to their s-number). This is where they will make their Google Slides Presentation for their Biography Book Reports. All passwords have been reset and synched to their individual defaults for the start of the school year. Please do not make any changes. It is as follows:

Password: s#g

User Name for example:
User Pswd  for example: s123456g                                            

New Date is now Monday, February 24, 2020 - sorry for the change but it was necessary. I hope this is enough notice.
--Twin Bears/Angel Rocks Educational Excursion and Camping Trip, "Parent/Guardian Information Night." It will be from 5-6 PM in room 22 (next to ours), with some time built in for questions. I will have a lot of information for you, and we will need all hands on deck for the trip. This meeting will be the first of two. The second meeting will be in March and it will be for volunteers that have signed up and been cleared through the district. Your help and these meetings are critical to our success. Thanks so much!

Monday, February 17, 2020
--Professional Development Teacher Work Day (No School).

Tuesday and Wednesday, February 18 and 19, 2020
--Student-led Parent-Teacher Conferences (Please make sure your child is present for this).

Friday, March 6, 2020
--End of Q3. Early dismissal at 1:30 PM.

Monday, March 9, 2020, to Friday, March 13, 2020
--Spring Break - No School

Friday, March 20, 2020
--Field Trip to Herring Auditorium at Lathrop HS to see "Eileen Ivers." More details to follow.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - Friday, May 15, 2020
--Angel Rocks Hike and Twin Bears Educational Excursion. We will have several meetings throughout the year about this as it is a 3-day overnight camping trip, and yes we will need volunteers!

Friday, May 15, 2020, to Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Early dismissal at 1:30 PM and final three days of the school year.

It's a good life!

Mr. Sassman